Frans Bjørn-Thygesen

Direktør, CEO

Tlf.: 40622206


Kort om Frans Bjørn-Thygesen

I am working with leadership in a broad range of disciplines and projects based on master degree in different subject areas and 25+ years experience as a Company manager, academic lecturing and collaboration with partners: ► Regional Network and Cluster facilitator ► Company Sustainable transition ► Professional Board member and Chair ► Consulting and management ► Business Strategy, policy making and action planning & implementation ► Coaching and mentoring ► Outplacement and HR ► Transition Management ► Research in BSS, Business and Social Science as Associate professor at AU ► Business Development & Innovation ► Lecturing and supervision ► Market management, Branding and Marketing Advertising ► Infrastructure development and business travel facilitator. My interests are focusing on developing international business in Networkrelations with skilled people and on a sustainable basis. I'm working in respect to value caracteristics like; open, honesty, business minded, meaningfull and fair - with ambisious goals and focus on Development and Growth in Business and People in optimal harmony.

Cleantech Leadership

Cleantech Leadership
Verdisvej 16
7400 Herning



Levering af samarbejde og lederskab ved sparring om optimale rammer for infrastruktur og fremme af erhvervsvirksomheders innovative udvikling og bæredygtige transformation i netværkspartnerskab både nationalt og internationalt.

Branche: Bæredygtig erhvervsudvikling i partnerskaber